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Alor Gajah

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London , United Kingdom

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November 16, 2011 7:30 am 
I am 26 years old Blondine Omar Bongo from Gabon, my late mother’s name is Edith Lucie Bongo Ondinmba, the daughter of Congo President Nguesso, my mother died in March 2009 in Morocco after a prolonged illness.. My mother was married to one of the most influential men in Gabon though my late dad was married to many other ladies. My dad died on June 8 2009 of heart failure during a treatment for advanced cancer at a private clinic in Barcelona Spain. Honestly I am saying the truth to you and will never lie to you. Omar Bongo remained Africa’s longest–serving head of state and the world’s only ruler who remained in office for the longest period after the stepping down of Cuba’s Fidel Castro due to ill health. He was married to other women but he loved my mother so dearly. I grew up and stay in London but presently searching for the money belonging to my late mother which was deposited in a bank in Togo which I have just confirmed today therefore I need both of us to work together towards claiming my late mum’s money and we shall disburse as may be agreed between us, I speak English and French but do prefer chatting more than talking . I need an honest, sincere and humble person whom I can trust with all my heart and give me all the LOVE and CARE I need to succeed in moving this fund out of here. Some people are tracing me to kill me and I don’t know why and who, therefore I am staying in an Orphanage in a village in London and check my email from time to time. You can call +447504834939 to speak to me through Rev Joseph. Thanks and Godbless Blondine Omar Bongo Email: blondineuk@aport.ru Skype Name:naba230 Tel: +447504834939 http://www.telegraph.co.u k/news/worldnews/europe/f rance/5498392/Late-Gabon- President-Omar-Bongo-fund ed-Jacques-Chirac-preside ntial-campaign.html http://www.france24.com/ en/20090315-omar-bongos-w ife-edith-lucie-ondimba-d ies-morocco
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